Instructor Spotlight: Dan

by Mal – Tuesday, 13. February 2018

1. Where are you from and where were you living before Zurich?

I grew up in Tempe, Arizona. It is a college city right next to the Capital Phoenix, Arizona. On average we have 299 days of sun per year in Phoenix, and I was extremely active outside for most of those days. I later moved to a small town in the middle of the black forest named Tennenbronn. I enjoyed it there and got to know some family while completing B1 in German before I decided to move to Zürich.

2. Why are you passionate about fitness? Do you have a personal journey to share?

I have been in and out of shape throughout my life, and over the years I have started to notice how I feel when I am consistently working out. Fitness allows me to take out my extra energy towards something productive. It helps to keep my positive attitude about everything in life.

When I finished University, I was 108kg. I was working in a nice resort in Scottsdale, Arizona and we had access to unlimited food and deserts. I definitely took advantage of this. Pretty soon I noticed I had a much “shorter” attitude with my friends and people in general. I didn’t like where I was heading. One day I looked in the mirror and saw the difference in my body composition. I actually started back into training myself with virtual classes. I was able to “press play everyday” and eventually I was dreaming about going home just to do my workout. Pretty soon, I had dropped my weight from 108kg all the way down to 84kg through diet and becoming active on a daily basis again. As I started losing weight, I noticed I wanted to go outside and run again as opposed to playing video games all day. Then the weight really started to drop. I always like to remember how I felt getting off the couch at 108kg compared to 84kg. I was less likely to get up when I weighed more as I obviously had more weight to move around.

I now have an unspoken pact with myself never to gain that much “unhealthy” weight again.

3. How did you decide to become a Velocity Instructor? How did you hear about Velocity?

I actually got involved through my sister, Monika. She had been teaching spin for a few years prior and mentioned I should try it out. I went into Velocity to try out a class and really enjoyed it. I asked to audition and was invited to the instructor academy.

4. What was the toughest part about your Velocity training?

The academy was a tough 6 weeks. We were riding about 3 classes a day. I really enjoyed it as it was a lot of cardio (which I have trouble motivating myself to do) but in the academy we were “forced” to do it. Eventually it got easier and easier to ride the classes. Finding the beats in the music was always the easy part for me as I grew up playing instruments (Cello and Double Bass).

For me, I would have to say the hardest part was selecting music to ride along with. The music makes the class in my opinion, and if you have a slow or boring song, it can be tough to coach through.

5. What about the best part?

The best part was definitely the shared experience with the other trainees. We were all stressed and pushing ourselves through those 6 weeks. It is always tough at the time, but now that we are through we have that connection and can relate to each other on another level because of the academy. Not to mention it helped me to get into some of the best cardio shape I have ever been in.

6. What do you want your riders to get out of your class experience?

I am all for pushing yourself as hard as you can go. Getting out of your comfort zone and working for those 45 minutes. When riders take my class, I try to promote a high intensity sweat session. You’ll easily become one of my favorite riders if I see you pushing yourself every class. I believe that when you decide to workout, then you should workout to the best of your ability. It will only make your resting times that much more enjoyable.

7. How would you say you are different from your sister?

I think Monika and I are both very detailed with our coaching style. It is important to us that we teach to all levels. I think there is always a mental and physical impact in every fitness class you take. The goals I try to reach in my class set a foundation for physical change in what I’ve found are the most efficient ways possible.

8. What do you get out of each ride that you teach?

I like to see the sweat and red faces after each class. I know that feeling and I enjoy helping other people feel accomplished after their workout. I have had great results with exercise and that is why people suggested I start helping others achieve their fitness goals.

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