Bike comes completely assembled, out of the box.
Join us for rides on! This bike is what happens when passionate riders build indoor bikes. Ergonomically fit and engineered for simplicity and function, the bike seamlessly and wirelessly connects to your technology via Bluetooth® and ANT ™. It is the only indoor studio bike that comes standard with a Power meter and self-generating EcoSCRN display, freshly updated for 2020.
This bike takes the guesswork out of training, both on the road and in the studio. Many elite outdoor cycling teams and individuals choose this Power meter because when using the most accurate measure of performance, they can develop and adhere much more precisely to their fitness goals. Now you can benefit from the same precise data professionals use, and map your fitness strategies to more quickly reach your own goals.
The bike has a 2-year warranty against manufacturing defects. In addition, there is a 10-year warranty on manufacturing defects of the frame and the belt.
The Velocity bike is available to test in our Enge studio.
Delivered in 3-5 working days.