Get Back On Track After A Break From Fitness

by Laura – 22. April 2021

We hear you. The first week back in the studios after the long winter lockdown is tough but that’s not going to stop us. We’ve put together some tips on how you can build up your fitness level to where it was before pre-lockdown. 

Please note:  this is not medical advice so if you have suffered from covid 19 or any other injury, make sure to consult your doctor before starting your fitness routine again.

Make a Plan

Write down where you are, where you want to be, and how you’re going to get there. Not only will it help motivate you because you can start to visualize the results, but it will also help you feel more confident about taking each step to get there. Planning your workouts for the week ahead is more important than ever to secure your place in your favorite workout as many will have reduced space due to covid restrictions. Here at Velocity, we are providing workouts outside and inside, with and without masks, so you have options for what makes you feel comfortable.

Stick to your schedule

Showing up for every single workout that you have booked or planned is the next crucial step. Make your fitness goal a priority every week to get maximum results. You may not be able to get through the entire workout but you will show up so that every time gets easier as you get stronger again.

Start Slow 

Don’t overdo it because you will do yourself more harm than good. Take it easy so your body can get back into endurance and strength mode again. If you go to group fitness, choose a workout with different intensity levels so you can easily pick your level without judgment. All Velocity workouts have this option so you can choose your level and intention. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself 

If you’ve been out of the game for a while, you’ll find that the first few weeks of workouts will be tough. If you’re used to hitting all those doubles in a Velobeat ride, understand that you may not be able to hit them again on your first ride back, and that’s okay. Manage your expectations and keep a positive mindset. 

Stay Accountable 

Sometimes it’s hard to stay on track, even when you’ve made a plan, so it can be helpful to have someone to keep you accountable. Maybe it’s a friend or family member, or maybe it’s someone you’ve met in the Velocity community that trains at the same time as you. Get them on board with your plan and reach those goals together. You’re less likely to bail if you have someone relying on you too.

In sum, we know it’s not easy, not even for us. Getting back in a routine, waking up early, and working out with other people – this is all new to us too. We’re here with you, to support you, and to make the most of this comeback.

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