How to Help in a Time of Need
by Mal – Sunday, 22. March 2020
Hi Team,
Mal here. At times like these, community members have asked how they can support, and we want to give ideas. We know there are many more out there and we will keep this list updated as new ways become known.
Firstly, many hospitals are in dire need of supplies and help. As a first step, keep yourself healthy and injury-free. You staying out of the hospital already contributes. There are many hospitals around the world in need, like in Italy. In Switzerland, or are the best places that we know of as of now to help support the Swiss Hospital system.
On social media you can find information on when (date and time) to give applause out your window or doorstep to all the doctors, nurses and medical personnel who are tirelessly working in our hospitals.
If you have time to give, there are tons of fabulous ideas floating around on the Internet, and one Velocity member created a page called Voluntaria. Voluntaria connects available people with health institutions. Volunteers register online and enter their qualifications and availability. Health institutions report their current need for support. In real time Voluntaria automatically compares the needs of the health institutions with the profiles of the volunteers. In case of a match both parties receive a notification and can start working together.
There are also apps like FIVEUP. Fiveup coordinates support and keep an overview in your community. Volunteers as well as the needy people can post offers themselves and organize themselves in closed groups. In contrast to Facebook and Co., “Five up” shows you directly where help is needed and where people have already contacted you, thus saving you a lot unnecessary communication.
Another idea is to place a note in your building with your name and number offering help for groceries, pharmacy pick up, or other services to those who are in the most at risk group. It is also important that if you have someone in the risk group living in your building, that everyone in your building has an action plan to disinfect all public areas and surfaces like door handles, railings and laundry rooms.
Some of your friends may have small children at home. Ask how you can help. Perhaps you can video call and provide an activity or entertainment, or offer to help with homework. We’re quite sure, the parents can let you know what’s best.
For many small businesses, Insurance does not cover the lost revenue during these weeks and months, which can be devastating. Thus, many restaurants have put in enormous effort to get take-out options available so you can continue to support them from home. Try to help restaurants by ordering home delivery or visiting them when they re-open so they come back strong.
Other small shops have forced to close. Some of them may be quickly building an online shop or you can email to see if you can buy a gift certificate or credits online.
And lastly, help be there for eachother. Be safe. Stay at home. Eat healthy and continue to sweat online with your Velocity Family 🙂
We hope this helps!
Veloloco Partners 2025
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