Instructor Spotlight – Rolf

by Mal – Sunday, 3. February 2018

  1. You’ve been doing this for over 15 years now. How did you get into instructing in the first place?

I was training quite a bit in Chicago for varying races – triathlons and other road races. Cycling outside in Chicago during winter time is not really possible due to the cold and wind. Somebody suggested I try spinning classes in the winter to stay in good bike shape, and I ended up going regularly. So much so that it was the recommended to me to possibly just start teaching myself. And well… that’s what I did.

  1. What drew you to Velocity?

Two of my loyal riders from a gym in Zurich I was teaching at approached me. Luckily they enjoyed my classes enough to ask me if I would be interested in their project to bring the first indoor cycling studio to Switzerland. I had already been contemplating the concept myself so I was happy to be part of it!

  1. What’s unique about your class?

I think I bring quite an eclectic mix of music to my classes. I like to really mix in all types, both genres and generations. Besides the techno and mashups typically well suited for Indoor Cycling, I like to throw in rock, country, hip hop, pop, 80s and classical, among others. I do also truly enjoy being with people and to use humor in my interaction with people at the studio. It immediately breaks the ice.

  1. You have a crew of riders who have stuck by your side since you’ve been teaching in Zürich. What does that mean to you?

Honestly speaking it means the world to me to have dedicated riders that have been coming to my class for many years now. I take teaching seriously and am humbled by the fact that my class is enjoyed by so many people. Obviously everybody has their favorite style of teacher and music, but I’m just happy that many seem to appreciate and enjoy my class style.

  1. What’s your intention with every class you teach? What do you want your riders to get out of your class experience?

I want to offer an enjoyable but challenging experience for the riders. I want them to remember that they had fun in the class, the music, and that they were pushed hard while being entertained.

  1. How do you connect to your riders?

I tend to be quite open and communicative. I enjoy getting to know people and where they’re from amongst other things. I’m also happy to share something about me and my life which I think is nice in order to connect. I like to think of us being in it together with each class.

  1. Many people say that being a Velocity Instructor is like being a member of a family. Tell me about that.

Indeed. As mentioned that family feeling and that “togetherness” is what I strive for not just in class, but in many aspects in life. I want riders to feel comfortable and welcomed in my classes. I know at Velocity generally speaking that is also the case. We want that community feeling where people feel at home and among friends. It gives me great satisfaction when people are smiling, mingling and/or when they comment how much they enjoyed the class or music or similar.

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