Top Face Masks for Indoor Workouts
by Kim – 27. April 2021
The studios are open again – YAY! However, according to the regulations as outlined by BAG and BASPO, we are required to wear masks inside the studio lobbies and locker rooms, and during our indoor cycling workouts (but not during Power workouts). We understand that doing heavy cardio in a face mask doesn’t sound like the most comfortable experience, but with the right strategy, we promise it’s not as bad as it sounds. We have picked out the top face mask recommendations for high intensity workouts.
Clients often use the normal hygienic blue and white masks which they swap during the workouts when masks become sweaty. These masks can be bought almost everywhere and we also provide them for free at the studios. Our recommendation is to take 1-2 extra masks with you to the indoor ride, so you can replace them if necessary.
Our Power Coach Steffi, recommends this mask from livinguard. The mask promises unbeatable breathability that revolutionizes the way you feel during a workout. It is more expensive than the disposable masks and it has to be ordered, but it is sustainable, washable and reusable, it can be washed up to 150x with cold water.
Our Burn Coach Fabian and Studio Manager Sabine both recommend the Adidas face cover. This mask is not a medically-graded mask, however it is comfortable, washable and reusable and can help prevent the spread of viruses and germs through droplet transmission. Since the masks are slightly smaller than standard masks we recommend to take the size M.
Our Beat Coach Lena recommends the community mask from UYN. The community mask is also not a medical product but reduces the risk of infecting others because it can reduce the range of droplets that are ejected when you cough, sneeze, breathe or talk. With the ergonomic nose shape, flexible ear loops as well as flex ribs for optimal wearing comfort this mask offers a good option to wear during our indoor workouts. It is also very breathable and dries very quickly. The mask can be purchased at Ochsner Sport or SportXX.
These are the mask recommendations from the ranks of Velocity. If you have any other recommendations or have found the mask you trust, feel free to let us know. To ensure you’re well equipped, take a spare mask to indoor rides in case yours gets wet. If wearing a mask during a workout still isn’t for you, you still have the option to book our outdoor rides at Studios West and Zug, try a Power workout in Enge or Zug, or join us online on Velocity Live from the comfort of your own home.
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