Velocity’s New Years Resolutions

by Anoushé – Saturday, 6. January 2018

Nothing inspires to set and achieve goals more than the New Year. It’s seen as a fresh start, a new chance, a clean slate and the “perfect time” to start caring for oneself and others, (re-) commit to a fitness routine and change old habits. Even more so this year – since 1. January fell on a Monday – we all know how much we like to postpone starting things until next Monday, right? 😉

Okay, resolutions are not everyone’s cup of tea. And we are also well aware that hardly anyone will magically morph in to a new and improved version of him- or herself overnight. But the New Year as an official starting point can help with finally achieving things one otherwise continues to put off.

We at Velocity have thought long and hard about our resolutions, and while most of our instructors work towards short and long term goals on a daily basis already, some of us have made some commitments for 2018:

  • Fabian

    “My new years resolution is: shoot for the moon! Meaning, I want to get the most out of what I‘m doing. I want to concentrate on a few things rather than doing a lot of different stuff. So I will pick some things in my life and pay 100% attention to those. And in those things I want to reach the top of the world. And believe me, 2018 is going to be big for me. So I will aim high in my favorite things in life!”

  • Monika

    “My resolution is to not over think and just let it go! Worrying only affects me and usually never positively impacts the situation. So instead of unnecessarily stressing over something, I will just release the worry and let it go!”

  • Alessandra B.

    To quote Neil Gaiman, “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

  • Aaron

    My New Years resolution is to find more balance. Nourishing my body and mind better, focusing on my weaknesses not my strengths. Lots of meditation and flexibility as well as going back and furthering my education even more!! Mind, Body and Soul.

  • Leticia

    “My resolution this year is to try to frame life a bit more positively and put a bit more focus on my relationship with my husband. Having a new kiddo definitely took a toll on us, so I will make 2018, not just about baby, but about my man as well!!!”

  • Mal

    “My new years resolution is to stop giving a f*ck!

    Do I have your attention now? 🙂 My resolution maybe isn’t what you think. If you’ve ever read the book by Mark Manson, you already know what I mean. As Manson says, “Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek”.
    There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter. So my goal is to drop the little stuff, stop caring so much about what people think, realize that there’s no such thing as perfection, and focus on the bigger picture and the things that really matter. So with that in mind, I encourage you all to stop giving a f*ck!”

  • Rolf

    More patience in life in general. Read a lot to my son. Talk more with my mom. Achieve health and work goals. Stress less.

  • Valentina

    “Grundsätzlich ischs bi mir so, dass ich gar kei vorsätz ha. Ich versuech immer die best version minere selbst zsi – und das tag für tag! Aber es fallt mer natürli scho no einiges i wo ich verbessere chönt:

    – Gsuender esse. Das bedütet für mich mal sicher weniger kaffi 🙂 und eifach grundsätzlich druf achte vo wo mini lebensmittel überhaupt herchömed. Möglichst saisonal, regional und nachhaltig.

    – Au mal NEI zsege. Ich muss lerne mal en gang zrugg schalte und luege das zit für mich bliebt woni eifach mal nüt muss mache. Alles muss hüt so schnell schnell gmacht werde, da vergisst mer mengisch eifach mal sta zbliebe und durezschnufe.

    – Ich möcht also für das jahr weniger sorge und angst ha. Angst isch nie d wahrheit und sorge sött mer sich eigentli ja erst wenn öpis schlimms passiert isch und nöd scho vorher für nüt. Also möchti versueche moeglichst positiv si und mich au mit positive lüt umge”.

  • Dan

    “I have been thinking about my New Years Resolutions a lot. I usually don’t make any to be honest because if it is something I want to work towards, I just put it on my “to do list” 🙂

    On my ‘just do it list’ for Velocity, is to break the chains of all inhibitions, let my music speak for itself, and, together with my riders, just rock it out on the bike.”

  • Anoushé

    “This year is the year I FINALLY graduate. So besides working hard on finishing my degree (which may have been my resolution for quite some time now ;)) and getting in to my first choice masters program, I would also like to live in the moment a bit more without always rushing to the next thing on my to do list. I generally need to stop piling thousands of things on to my plate anyways and instead say YES to things I enjoy (when I have a choice, of course). That being said, I would like to get back into regular dance classes again… so I will be adding one ballet class a month to my (jam packed) schedule, but also perhaps letting go of one or the other activities as well”.

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