Instructor Spotlight: Caroline

by Sabine – Monday, 07. January 2019

1. How did you end up in Zurich?

I ended up in Zurich to live with my Swiss boyfriend. We agreed on Zurich because of work opportunities for both parts.

2. Tell us a little bit about your background in fitness.

I have always been active and a restless soul. Started with skiing (hobby) at the age of four. Then I started with horseback riding, followed up by soccer which I both did for about 8/9 years. I have always been a huge fan of running, hiking and keeping active in general. This encouraged me to do high school with a specialisation in Sports. Those three years made me be an even more passionate sports enthusiast ,  broadening my interest to all kinds of sports. I always performed better and enjoyed more when training was based on strength, running or a basic training where I can challenge my mind and willpower, rather than team sports  – especially handball (can´t handle that sport – haha). However, also in high school, I started playing volleyball and enjoyed that a lot. Spinning has always been a true winner to me, and I have good memories of joining spin classes with my best friend through the years. Always a good vibe and I found it  easy to push my own limits as a mental game. It puts me in a good mood to be part of a spinning team, listening to awesome music and to just go full power! Love it.

3. How did you find Velocity and what was the reason for you to become an instructor here?

I was sitting in Budapest trying to figure out what jobs I would like after my studies. Because of my love and interest for sports – I wanted to connect with a gym/fitness centre. Velocity was one of the first studios that popped up and I recalled my earlier wish to become a spinning instructor. I got close to take a spinning instructor course before in Norway, but they were all very expensive and took much time which I found difficult. So I saw the opportunity to accomplish a dream from the past. I texted Mallory without knowing Velocity is planning to open more studios and she replied that it was perfect timing because Velocity needed more instructors. Happy ending.

4. How is your professional life linked to your activity as an instructor ?

I am a psychologist. And to me, good mental health and physical health are equally depending on each other. The combination of fitness/physical activity and a strong/healthy mind is essential, necessary and effective – I strongly believe that we tend to underestimate how much is controlled by our mind. Working out is a very visible way to experience development and becoming stronger. Getting stronger physically will in return make you stronger mentally. So I see an important link between my profession and being an instructor and promoting to push limits showing that YOU CAN DO IT.

5. Your classes. What makes them different than other classes?

Good question… I want to bring a touch of fun, unseriousity (I dont know if its a word) as well as serious work where each and everyone can dig deep and bring out their beast mode. I love it myself when I go to classes where I get into this zone. I would like the classes to be personal, and connect with the riders. I believe I do this by adding some fun comments and making them laugh a little. I also think its totally fine if they find me weird or strange. That is how I want it to be. I want the tone to be going from laughing and joking to serious work where the goal is to sweat and feel the heart beat fast. Not sure if it answers the question; but perhaps I can answer it better with time/experience

6. Is there a message or a feeling that you want your riders to take away from your classes ?

«I did it». I want them to be surprised and impressed by themselves and their effort. Feeling proud, happy and relieved. I want them to see that they can do more than they think and therefore reach higher and be satisfied with who they are, and also be satisfied and proud of the job they have done.

7. What is the one thing that will make you power through a tough training or class ?

Music !

8. Are you excited for your future ? What are your plans ?

I am very excited for my future, but at the moment I like my current life. I see it as time to breathe, time to take life easy and enjoy it. I am satisfied with having finished my studies. However, I still have 14 months of additional practice working as a therapist ahead of me. My goal is to become a psycho-therapist and during those two years, I can take the time to personally develop, too. My experience as a spinning instructor and working with sports gives me so much energy and I am confident this is something I will bring with me in my future profession as well. (PS! I think being a spinning instructor is the perfect side job for me.. And I will keep it going as long as I can). To make a long story short, my plan is to be a therapist and spinning instructor part time. Live somewhere in the world where I find happy people around me and continuing hiking, fitness and getting sporty and hiker kids.

Over and out.

Veloloco Partners 2025