Instructor Spotlight: Leticia
by Mal – Friday, 2. March 2018
- What brought you to Switzerland?
I came here for love of man and chocolate. I met my (now) husband while traveling through South America. It was always a dream of mine to live in Europe at some point in my life, I just didn’t expect it to be here and forever!!! My husband is Swiss and we are here to stay.
- What’s your background in fitness? What else are you passionate about?
I grew up very active in sports and ran competitively through high school and in college. After graduation I completed 3 marathons, including having qualified for and then finished the Boston Marathon-a major accomplishment for my running career. While living in Boston in 2011, I began personal training and instructing indoor cycling. Books, adrenaline, and popcorn are my true passions.
- How did you decide to become a Velocity Instructor? Had you heard of Velocity before?
Becoming a Velocity instructor has been on my radar since its opening, although at the time, I was pregnant. When I read Velocity was searching for new instructors I jumped at the chance! I even brought my daughter to my first “audition”!
- What was the toughest part about your Velocity training?
I think the question should be “What wasn’t tough about the training?” I thought I had been through the ringer with past running training, however, this was a different level. Not only was it a daily physical challenge, but I had to incorporate music knowledge (which I did not have) with body coordination (which I absolutely do not possess). And going through this training as a mom of a young child with a husband that just happened to be out of town during this time, well, it was an, um, challenge.
- What about the best part?
The end. Oh, and losing the last bit of my pregnancy weight. Finally. That was great.
- What do you think riders can experience in your class?
A high intensity ride with some rockin fun! If I can get at least one rider to Whoop or snicker at a bad joke, that’s golden. I also mix up my music, and I love a bit of rock to shake shit up.
- What do you get out of each ride that you teach?
Definitely a high and a sense of accomplishment. I always feel a bit wild eyed at the end of class cause my adrenaline is still spiked from all that activity up there on stage!
- Are you looking forward to what’s next?
Yup. Wait, what’s next?
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