Manager Spotlight: Welcome Lynn

By Laura – 25 November 2021

You may have seen Lynn at the front desk in the West studio over the past few months, and we’re so happy to introduce her as the new Studio Manager at West.

With her diverse cultural background, Lynn loves the colorful life and energy of Limmat City. Velocity is now a part of that.

Lynn, welcome to the Velocity team. Tell us how you came to Velocity?

Thanks! One of the coaches told me I should visit their ride once. Said, done, hooked since then!

Velocity means something different to everyone, what does it mean to you?

During a ride at Velocity I forget everything that‘s happening outside of that room, I can just ride. Kinda magical!

What are you looking forward to most about starting as Studio Manager at West?

You’ll hear a lot of people talk about the great community at Velocity, it’s not just a hype and I’m really looking forward to being a part of that and working with some great individuals. 

What’s your favorite Velocity workout? Velobeat, Veloburn or Power?

Favorite? It‘s like choosing your favorite kid, impossible 😉 But Velobeat and Veloburn are definitely my go to! 

What do you get up to when you’re not at Velocity? Hobbies, passion projects etc..?

Spending time with my family and friends means the world to me.

Lynn will start as Studio Manager on December 1st 2021. Be sure to say hi on your next visit.

How much can I burn during a ride?

Why do some burn 700 calories and you only burn 300 while spinning? Find out how to make the most out of your indoor cycling exercises.

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Your ultimate reformer workout guide – everything you need to know about the strengthening & toning workouts.