Goal Setting @ Home

by Cameron  – Sunday, 12. April 2020

We are all doing our best to flatten the curve and stick to quarantine guidelines, and it certainly has thrown a wrench in our daily lives. With all the comforts and challenges of stay-at-home life,  it can be an arduous task to push ourselves this Spring.  Looking at the bright side though, more time at home allows us to keep up with chores, eliminate long commuting hours, and save money on things like lunches and train tickets. Most importantly, we have more time to rediscover some of those goals we set back during New Year’s resolutions (and may have quickly put aside!).

Goal setting is especially crucial given all the free time we have. It’s much easier for me to choose Netflix and a cold beer when I’m stuck inside the entire day because 45 minutes of Tiger King can feel a lot more compelling than a 45-minute sweat. Some people are able to self motivate with tremendous discipline, and to those of you, I envy your position. For the rest of us who feel like they are meandering through these days, goal setting is your ultimate weapon to defeat complacency.

When we can comfortably choose the easy thing, and our vices tell us to settle down choose a simpler path, you can look at the well-laid plan you’ve taken the time to write down and push through. A beautiful thing happens when you work, and workout, consistently. Not only do you grow stronger and more energetic, but your brain naturally craves this habit. Will you have challenging days? Of course. But you’ll find it easier and easier to get yourself out of bed and onto a mat. Here are some tips to help you form your grand plan and make stay-at-home goals stick:

1. Go big.  Don’t settle on something small. Keep it exciting but achievable.
2. Commit. Write it down. Sign up. Tell a friend. Visualize for yourself.
3. Make a plan. A goal without a plan is just a wish. A lack of a plan allows excuses to creep in.
4. Set Milestones. The bigger the goal, the better to break it apart into segments.
5. Be stubborn. Fight through the bad days, raise the bar on the good days. There are no failures only setbacks.
6. Listen. Recognize when you’re at your limit (but don’t be soft) and adjust.
7. Schedule it. Put it in the calendar. Carve out the time, and stick with it.
8. Celebrate. Reward yourself along the way. Every milestone, including the finish line.
9. Have a List. Write down all of your goals and prioritize them.
10. Don’t waitWhen you’ve checked a goal off the list, step up to the next one right away.

We wish the best for you, your families and friends. Try to stay healthy and happy during this trying time in all of our lives. Remember despite the circumstances, you always have the power to make the best of any situation. We hope you not only set goals, but reach the finish line. Make every second count!

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