Member Perspective:
Your First Workout at Velocity
by Mal – 5. November 2020
Velocity opened its doors four years ago as the first-ever Indoor Cycling Studio in Switzerland, located near the Prime Tower in Zurich West. The unique concepts of Velobeat and Veloburn aim to increase your endurance without realizing how hard you’re working. The high vibes and energetic ambience in the dark rooms keep you riding to the beat whilst burning fat like never before.
Since then we’ve added two studios, the new Xformer-based Power concept and most importantly, we’ve built an incredible goal-crushing, fat-melting, sweat-seeking community that’s redefined the meaning of group fitness in Switzerland.
Keep reading, to see the journey from the perspective of 3 members in our community.
Laura is one of our first clients at Velocity, she started her journey at Velocity with a Veloburn class in 2016 with our coach George and she continues with his courses after 4 years.
Romina joined our community at the beginning of 2019 with a Velobeat class by our coach Aaron. She was there when Velocity opened the two new studios in Zug and Enge, now she can jump right into a class after her work in Zug!
Pierre-Yves was able to enjoy his first class in July 2020, but he has a long commute so regular visits to our studios have been difficult during these times.
Tell me a little bit about your background: Where are you from and how long have you been here in Switzerland? What sports are you doing besides Velocity?
Laura: I am from Italy and I moved here in 2008 because of my work, so I have been here for over 12 years now. It has been such a long time, but I love to live here! Besides riding my bike, I regularly go running, hiking and take Body Pump classes.
Romina: I am Swiss with Italian roots. I was born in Lucerne and moved with my family to Ticino when I was just three years old. I grew up in Bellinzona and I’m a proud “Tessinerin”, Ticino lover! Sports have always been a part of my life. When I was a child, I grew up doing rhythmic gymnastics, taking part in competitions every year. Discipline was a part of all of it and it definitely taught me a lot. I love the team sport vibes and the adrenaline rush that brings in all those endorphins. It was during my University Studies that I found the passion for Indoor Cycling and is also at that time that I started Running, which became and is my main sport activity.
Pierre-Yves: I was born in Switzerland and now I actually live in Bern, but I am in Zurich on a regular basis.
How did you first hear about Velocity?
Laura: Since I live near the West Studio I heard about Velocity opening and started going right away. From the beginning, I made some friends and got to know the Velocity crew really well.
Romina: The first time I remember hearing about Velocity was back in December 2018 through a friend with whom I share my passion for running. I think that talking about winter variations training indoors, it just came up! I used to do regular indoor cycling when I was at the University and loved it, so hearing about Velocity was the best comeback.
Pierre-Yves: Through my friend Sabine, she is the Studio Manager at Velocity West and since we always joked about me joining a ride one day I had to try it out.
When was your first workout at Velocity? Do you remember with which coach and what concept?
Laura: If I remember correctly my first workout at Velocity was with George in summer of 2016. I was so happy that there was now a spinning studio near my apartment! The club atmosphere in the dark room really hit me and I kept coming back regularly. I just enjoyed the 50 minutes of energy with great people and coaches! I felt very welcomed by Mallory and Travis into a small community from the moment I walked in.
Romina: My first workout at Velocity was on a Friday evening, a Velobeat class with Coach Aaron. I remember thinking “amazing: a party on a bike”. It was the first time I experienced a workout with such a concept. Dark room, loud music, motivation and high vibes. Team vibes!
Pierre-Yves: That was this summer, I gave in and went with Sabine and a bunch of motivated guys to a Veloburn class with George. It was a great experience!
How did you experience the development of Velocity?
Laura: I am very happy with the Velocity expansion. With the two extra studios, there are more opportunities for clients to choose their most ideal studio to workout. For me, it’s important to witness Mallory and Travis still running the studios and the community experience is the same, just on a bigger scale. Velocity is now very active on social media, which is a great tool, especially in Covid times.
Romina: Wow – just amazing! Everything on point and to a high level! The new opening, the locations, the choices about which brands to sell, from the food to the sport clothes and accessories, the Dyson!! Despite the changing in the teams and coaches I see that a core stable team is still there which I find to be very important, to me it makes a difference.
Pierre-Yves: I only just joined this summer so I can only look forward and see how Velocity expands from here.
What do you think about the concepts?
Laura: Velobeat attracts maybe a younger crowd, as the more “fun” workout while Veloburn feels more “professional” cycling cardio workout. Indeed, there are a lot of cyclists who join, especially in winter times. I like Power as an amazing addition to the cardio workouts on the bikes. I love mixing up my routine with Veloburn and Power workouts.
Romina: I think that this way, getting to choose between three different workouts, can make the studio as a fitness studio complete. One could, for example just choose to train at Velocity, having the chance to train in different ways, in a certain way. Full body workout in different ways.
Pierre-Yves: The concept of doing sport in a club-like atmosphere, with a coach who comes up with great training and then committing full throttle for 1 hour is awesome!!
In which studio do you join the most classes?
Laura: For Veloburn I join most classes in West and for Power, I like to go to the Studio in Enge, which is right next to my office.
Romina: I joined the most classes in the West Studio and I’m glad Velocity is also in Zug, where I took lots of classes, because of the location closer to my workplace, perfect combination!!
Pierre-Yves: Until now I just joined classes in the studio Zurich West.

Which concept is your favorite? Have you tried them all?
Laura: My favorite workout is Veloburn, since it is the best fat burning workout around. When I bring new people to Velocity I always try Veloburn first with them. I tried all workouts and I happily integrate Power into my Fitness routine for more muscular strength.
Romina: I tried them all! I started and did for almost a year only Velobeat, then finally tried the Veloburn (finally because I knew it could fit better to me but somehow the schedule never took me to try it out) and never left! For me, the best would be at least once a Veloburn and once a power class in a week! I love the training effect that can be delivered from a X-Former session! Anyway, I found that all three concepts have their advantages.
First position: Veloburn! It is actually to me but also as it is, a perfect variation to the running training and in this way to get better, and get to reach my personal goals! The private sessions I took with Leticia was a win-win, they really took me to the next level, which advanced to the next level. I was training to reach my first 25k running and then for a first half marathon and I totally hit my goals, I’m also sure it’s thanks to the support of the Veloburn sessions!!! Yes, it can become an addiction but for the best!
Pierre-Yves: I have only joined Veloburn classes up until now, but we will see if I can get motivated for the other concepts.
What role does the Velocity community play in your life?
Laura: I made a lot of new friends since there are a lot of ex-pats in the community and it was easy to get to know them all when you are doing the same workout over and over again. What I appreciate very much is the fact that there is no judgement in the community.
Romina: Well, it is present, I feel the support and it is like a point of reference, something I know, I can rely on. Doing different private classes this year, after the lockdown, was a highlight. The community feeling increased and I got closer to it. Grateful for all of that.
Pierre-Yves: I guess I’m not at Velocity often enough to answer the questions. But I have the feeling that the community if you know each other over time, can be really cool.
How has Velocity impacted your life?
Laura: Velocity’s positive vibe and its community spirit I don’t find anywhere else in Zurich. I really admire that Velocity wants to build a community around its clients that involve other businesses as well like BLG, Roots, Lululemon, Sportles: it is great to have a one-stop-shop for all my fitness needs.
Romina: Velocity supports me in my personal growth. To me, it’s a place where I can recharge, by working out physically but also mentally! Thanks to the coaches, their support and on-point guidance!
Sports is a way to also work out mentally, to push further and to get through life’s ups and downs, as I believe that what you can achieve through working out, can be transferred to the challenges in everyday life. Also, I believe that if you want something you should work for it. I feel like every class has something to give me with the chance to walk out stronger… in the end, it’s up to me, but the conditions, the opportunities for that at velocity are there to be grabbed!
Pierre-Yves: As I am new to Velocity, it hasn’t had a big impact on my life yet, but that may change over time.
During the lockdown, was Velocity part of your life?
Laura: I was very lucky to get a Bike from the West studio to keep at home during the whole lockdown! Thanks to that, I could keep up with my fitness and I could do a lot of the online workouts with the coaches. – It was a great benefit from Velocity to do this for its community, I am very grateful.
Romina: I followed the community through the Instagram account but never took part in an online class as I had no bike at home. I loved the reopening with 4 bikes, the measures-concept, and everything kept at a high standard security and professional manner to us customers. Also, the private classes offered were a highlight for me! And by the way, what Velocity did and created in little time to support the community was priceless!
Pierre-Yves: No since I live in Bern. But I would be there very often if there was a Velocity Studio in Bern.
Do you feel like Velocity supports you in your growth outside of the studio as well?
Laura: Of course, for example in 2018 I cycled through my 8 months of pregnancy with the fantastic support of couches and owners. It helped a lot with my energy level and It has always been a great experience. No judgment, just group support. After birth, Velocity workouts definitely helped to get back in shape. It is funny to look back and see how long I have been riding with Velocity!
Romina: I like to receive the weekly newsletter and I find it a good opportunity to get that support one could wish, some days more than others, and the timing, Sunday evening, is just optimal to focus on the new week set up. Always with different topics around and about fitness and health, I find it to be a relevant addition, for what is exactly that community feeling and support! What also plays a difference between a big fitness studio and a concept as velocity where the interaction is more personal and you really can get to feel part of a community!!
Pierre-Yves: I can’t say until now. I would have to have the time to attend classes more regularly and become a part of the community.
What’s your favorite thing about Velocity?
Laura: I can leave all my day troubles and worries behind and just release my energy for 50 minutes on the bike. The coaches always bring great vibes and push you to your limit! There is always a positive atmosphere in the darkroom, it is really your time to power up and release all the negativity in your life and focus on achieving your goals.
Romina: The high vibes, always, all the way! The community support!!
Pierre-Yves: Me, a bike, good loud music, a motivating coach, the increasing pulse, sweat, the cheering, more sweat, being at the limit, screaming, persevering… I love it! And to see your name as number 1 on the leaderboard is just.. geil!
How many classes have you done?
Laura: That one I know exactly – 299 – and I can’t wait to be back for my 300 and celebrate with everyone.
Romina: I’ve done 77 and counting!
Pierre-Yves: Just 3 but I am planning on increasing this number!
A big thank you to the three interviewed and especially to the whole Velocity Community – YOU ARE AMAZING – without your support Velocity would not be where we are today!
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